Yamaha My16-mLAN

The new MY16-mLAN interface card offers transfer of up to 16 channels of digital audio plus MIDI data over a single IEEE1394-standard cable. This mini YGDAI plug-in card brings mLAN compatibility to digital mixing consoles 01V96, DM1000, 02R96, and DM2000.
Audio |
I/O |
16In/16Out @ 48kHz / 44.1kHz
(8In/8Out @ 88.2kHz / 96kHz) |
Fs |
44.1kHz-10% 48kHz+6%
(88.2kHz-10% 96kHz+6%) |
Resolution |
24bit |
1In/1Out |
Necessary for USB connections for using Multi Port MIDI. |
SLOT1 is available for Digital console within multi SLOTs.
Price and purchase information is at 01xRay.com.