Kurzweil KPS8

From the creators of the finest synthesizers in the world comes the world's most powerful effects processor, winner of the Electronic Musician Editors Choice award for Best Effects Processor Over $1000.
The Kurzweil KSP8 multi-bus signal processor is an 8-channel effects system designed for the professional engineer, producer, or musician who requires high-performance effects, excellent sound quality, and unparalleled real-time control. It has over twice the processing power of KDFX, the world-class effects system found in Kurzweil's award-winning K2600 synthesizer. The KSP8 extends the arsenal of effect algorithms from KDFX, adding newly developed surround reverbs and many more stereo and mono algorithms. The architecture has enough flexibility and power to process up to 8 channels of audio simultaneously, in mono, stereo, and surround combinations. Unlike other high-end effects systems whose DSP resources are fixed to a small number of processing engines, the 16 available processing units in the KSP8 may be freely shared among up to 8 effect buses. The sonic quality of the KSP8 is stunning; it has the best analog audio specifications in the industry, featuring unique output circuitry (patent-pending). The power, flexibility, and sound of the KSP8 truly make it a must-have for professional and semi-pro studios, as well as for sound designers in search of exciting new timbres.
Check out www.kurzweilmusicsystems.com for more information